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Workshop update - 1/11/2025

Thursday workshops through 2025:  Dan and Lawrence will continue to run workshops for us on alternating weeks through 2025. Lawrence's workshops will include round dance instruction from 6:30PM to 7:00PM followed by square dance tips to about 9:00PM. Dancing from 9 to 10 may be round or square dancing depending on the dancers present. Dan's workshops will be square dancing only at this point.


The basic pattern is Dan for first and third Thursdays and Lawrence for second and fourth. This year we're only dancing four Thursdays each month and will continue the practice of skipping holidays. Consult the calendar page for Thursdays with no dancing and details on week-to-week sessions including last minute schedule changes.​


Circle 'n Squares holds regular workshops on Thursdays at Monroe Hall from 6:30P to 9:30P. We normally alternate between square dance tips and round dances. Since the end of our last SSD class last spring we have spent the first part of the workshop dancing at SSD level, and week by week, introducing Plus calls one or two at a time to bring our SSD dancers up to Plus level. The later part of the workshop is called at full Plus level.


Workshops are included in the dues that members pay each month; guests are charged a fee of $8.00 per workshop session. [Anyone interested in joining the Club should speak with a current Club member at a workshop.] Guest fees are waived for members of any other square dance club who'd like to join us on the first Thursday of the month.


Square dancing is learned in groups of eight, called a 'square'; round dancing is learned as a couple. Both dance forms traditionally define a 'boy' role and a 'girl' role, but any person can learn to dance either role and many of the best dancers can do both.

Circle 'n Squares club caller: 

Club caller position is currently open.

Resident caller:  Lawrence Johnstone

Lawrence is one of the most experienced and sought after callers in the region. He has generously added Circle 'n Squares to his regular calling duties at Singles and Pairs (our sister club at Monroe Hall), Oakmont Squares in Santa Rosa, and VacaValley Ramblers in Vacaville while we search for a new club caller. We are all very grateful for his help.

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Resident caller:  Dan Lyke

Circle 'n Squares is pleased to announce that we've arranged for Dan Lyke of Petaluma to call for our workshops. Local square dancers may know Dan from dances he's called around northern California, or as host (with Don Beck) of a series of pandemic-era Zoom sessions for callers, or as a software guru with credits in Toy Story movies. We're thrilled to have Dan join us and encourage any SSD or Plus dancers looking for dance time to join us on any Thursday evening.

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Monroe Hall

1400 W College Avenue

Santa Rosa, CA 95401


Thursday Workshops: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Weekend Dances:  6:00pm - 10:00pm
(second Saturday in Jan, Mar, Apr, July, Aug, Sept)

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