Class & Dance Resources
This page lists the curriculum of the last Beginner Square Dance class. The class is comprised of sixteen sessions. The calls to be covered in each individual session are listed below along with links to short video lessons and animations to demonstrate those calls. Students are encouraged to review calls that have been taught, preview calls yet to be taught, or catch up if a session is missed.
Introductory Session
Circle Left - video lesson - call animation
Forward and Back - video lesson - call animation
Dosado - video lesson - call animation
Swing - video lesson - call animation
Promenade - video lesson - call animation
Sessions 2, 3, and 4
Ladies Chain/Courtesy Turn - video lesson - call animation 1 - call animation 2
Grand Square - video lesson - call animation
Roll Away with a Half Sashay - video lesson - call animation
Ladies In, Men Sashay - video lesson - call animation
Allemande Left - video lesson - call animation
Right and Left Grand - video lesson - call animation
Weave the Ring - video lesson - call animation
Right and Left Thru - video lesson - call animation
Pass Thru - video lesson - call animation
U-Turn Back - video lesson - call animation
Right Hand Stars/Left Hand Stars - video lesson - call animation
Separate Around 1 or 2 to a Line - video lesson - call animation
Session 5
Star Thru - video lesson - call animation
Lead Right - video lesson - call animation
Circle to a Line - video lesson - call animation
Bend the Line- video lesson - call animation
Sessions 6
Star Promenade - video lesson - call animation
Backtrack - video lesson - call animation
California Twirl - video lesson - call animation
Dive Thru - video lesson - call animation
Square Thru - video lesson - call animation
Session 7
Separate Split the Outside Two - video lesson - call animation
Box the Gnat - video lesson - call animation
Wrong Way Grand - video lesson - call animation
Wheel Around - video lesson - call animation
Veer Left - video lesson - call animation
Circulate - video lesson - call animation
Ferris Wheel - video lesson - call animation
Session 8
Ocean Wave - video lesson - call animation
Swing Thru - video lesson - call animation
Boys Run - video lesson - call animation
Trade - video lesson - call animation
Pass the Ocean - video lesson - call animation
Extend - video lesson - call animation
Session 9
Ocean Wave Circulates - video lesson - call animation
Couples Promenade 3/4 - video lesson - call animation
Wrong Way Promenade (promenade to the left instead of right; video is just for fun) - video lesson - call animation
Couples Trade - video lesson - call animation
Partner Trade - video lesson - call animation
Session 10
Wheel and Deal - video lesson - call animation
Double Pass Thru - video lesson - call animation
First Couple Go Left, Next Couple Go Right (video might not match) - video lesson - call animation
Flutter Wheel - video lesson - call animation
Single Circle to a Wave - video lesson - call animation
Alamo Style Balance - video lesson - call animation
Sweep 1/4 - video lesson - call animation
Session 11
Zoom - video lesson - call animation
Trade By - video lesson - call animation
Touch 1/4 - video lesson - call animation
Girls Run - video lesson - call animation
Session 12
All 8 Circulate - video lesson - call animation
Chain Down the Line - video lesson - call animation
Centers In - video lesson - call animation
Cast off 3/4 - video lesson - call animation
Session 13
Slide Thru - video lesson - call animation
Fold/Cross Fold- video lesson - call animation
Recycle - video lesson - call animation
Session 14
Left Swing Thru - video lesson - call animation
Cross Run - video lesson - call animation
Session 15
Tag the Line - video lesson - call animation
1/2 Tag - video lesson - call animation
Session 16
Single Hinge - video lesson - call animation
Scoot Back - video lesson - call animation
Couples Hinge - video lesson - call animation
Split/Box Circulate - video lesson - call animation
Many thanks to Tam Twirlers for putting the Taminations call animations online, and to Moscow Red Squares, The Traveling Hoedowners, and videosquaredancelessons.com for sharing their videos online for new square dancers everywhere.
Quick links to other square dance resources
This is a smartphone app that plays square dance call animations to show how dancers move relative to each other. The free Apple and Android versions can be downloaded with the buttons below.
Committee to Promote Square Dancing (CPSD)
This group, based in San Jose, has a website with interesting links to learning resources and promotional videos to share with friends and family about square dancing. Word of mouth is our best source of new dancers, so check this out. website